• 微笑的女人
  • 一个微笑的男人
  • Two males smiling while holding a frame
  • 一个微笑的男人
  • 微笑的女人


Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, UNLV最有前途的学生获得奖学金支持,他们需要实现他们的学术目标和实现他们的梦想.

$ 10.4
million private dollars + pledges raised for scholarships (as of 5/4/23)


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Thank you for your interest in a scholarship gift to support UNLV students. 吸引和留住最优秀的学生,并使我们的许多学生能够负担得起大学教育, UNLV relies on philanthropic support from individuals and organizations.

“奖学金”是一个术语,适用于为支持UNLV学生的教育而向其提供的资金奖励. 为本指南之目的, “scholarship” also refers to a student award or graduate student fellowship.

您可以根据您的指示设立年度奖学金,最低捐款额为5美元,000 or an endowed scholarship with a minimum gift of $30,现金支付, 证券, 房地产, 或者个人财产. 谅解备忘录或确认函将详细说明已商定的接受和使用该帐户所载资金的标准. Named scholarship funds may be set up for the benefit of all UNLV students, or may be restricted to a particular college, 学校, 部门或项目.

如果您希望十大菠菜信誉网为学生在十大菠菜信誉网学习期间颁发奖学金, (本科生为4 - 5年)必须获得全额资助,并在颁发奖项时可用. 例如, if you would like a student to receive $5,每年5万美元,为期四年, then the 十大菠菜信誉网的基础 must have $20,000 available before a multi-year commitment is made to the student.

为命名, 年度奖学金, 对于捐赠基金, UNLV基金会与提供奖学金的个人或组织协商,以确定奖学金的标准. 标准应该是灵活和通用的,以保证尽可能多的申请者. Acceptable award criteria may include: minimum GPA; specific major, 程序, 部门, 学校 or college; undergraduate or graduate status; class standing; and residency. 对专业研究领域有强烈偏好的捐赠者可以考虑将奖学金限制在高年级学生中,以减少受助人转专业的可能性,并确保对该领域的投入.

捐助者亦可 wish to require that a student’s financial need be established. UNLV calculates financial need based on federal government guidelines. If financial need is a criteria used to award a scholarship, 学生必须填写FAFSA表格(免费申请联邦学生援助),该表格要求提供家庭IRS纳税申报表中的信息, 还有收益和银行对账单. UNLV基金会发展官员将与您一起工作,帮助您确定是否应将财务需求包括在您的奖励标准列表中,并批准您可能希望包括的其他标准.

Statement on Equal Opportunity (Board of Regents Handbook --Title 4; chapter 8 section 1)

内华达州高等教育制度的指导原则是,不得因种族而区别对待任何人, 宗教, color, 年龄, 性, 残疾, 或者国籍, and that equal opportunity and access to 设施 shall be available to all. 这一原则适用于内华达州高等教育系统的每一个成员, both students and employed personnel at every level, 所有单位, 设施, and services of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

这一原则支配着所有大学对学生的录取和后续处理, as well as student participation in extracurricular activities. It is a guiding policy in the employment of students, either by the Nevada System of Higher Education or by outsiders through the System. 所有学生服务, 包括经济援助, 放置, 辅导, 和咨询, are governed by the concept of equal opportunity.

All enrolled UNLV students are eligible for scholarships. 一些奖学金需要通过财政援助和奖学金或个人颁发单位提供特殊申请.

UNLV奖学金委员会根据捐赠者的标准选择奖学金获得者. Due to IRS regulations, the donor may not participate in the selection of the recipients. 选择收件人时, 资金从UNLV基金会转移到财政援助和奖学金办公室,以支付奖学金获得者。. UNLV基金会仅作为您或您的组织提供的奖学金礼物的接收和投资实体.

UNLV's scholarship committees begin meeting in February to select scholarship recipients. 学生 are notified of awards beginning in March. Funds are distributed to students prior to the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.

学期开始前的一周, scholarship funds are electronically transmitted to a student’s fee account. If a student still owes tuition or other fees to the institution, the amount owed will be subtracted from the scholarship payment. If the student does not owe any amount, or if the scholarship is greater than the student’s tuition and fees, 学生将收到一张支票,可用于支付其他相关费用.

Please make your check payable to the 十大菠菜信誉网的基础. 邮寄礼物的地址是:


也可以捐款 在线.


申请年度奖学金, 我们要求您的捐款在奖学金将颁发给学生的学年之前的12月31日到达UNLV基金会. This allows the University time to process applications, and select and notify students of their award.

12月31日之后收到的奖学金可以在随后的奖学金周期中颁发. UNLV基金会将在秋季向那些希望被提醒其奖学金到期的捐赠者发送发票.

每个指定奖学金基金的主要捐助者将在学年结束后收到一份报告,其中列出了上一学年的学生获奖者的姓名和专业. These donors will also be invited to attend UNLV’s annual scholarship recognition event, where they will have the opportunity to meet scholarship recipients. 捐助者亦可 contact the 十大菠菜信誉网的基础 Scholarship & 进贡办公室 to request additional information throughout the year.



5美元以下的礼物,000, 捐赠者可以指定学校, 学校, 部门, 或计划,他们希望直接他们的奖学金,或者他们可以向UNLV基金会年度奖学金基金捐款. 这些捐赠将与其他捐赠者的捐赠汇集在一起,并根据学术单位制定的标准颁发.

这项一般奖学基金使联卢大学能够汇集许多捐助者的资源,并在最需要的地方颁发奖学. This fund may also be used to attract and retain academically talented students, many of whom receive competitive scholarship offers from other institutions.

A scholarship endowment fund is similar to a savings account or an investment account. The income from the endowment fund is used to support a scholarship, but the principal of the fund remains untouched. The endowment fund thus provides scholarship support for students in perpetuity.

The minimum amount necessary to endow a scholarship fund is $30,000. In order to generate "spendable" income, 捐赠基金将在第一个奖学金颁发前至少投资一年.

You may also begin an "endowment-in-progress" with an amount less than $30,000. 您可以向该基金添加最多5年的捐赠,直到达到最低门槛. 例如, you might start a fund with an initial gift of $6,000 and commit to building the endowment to $30,在五年内达到1000万. If you wish to help students immediately, 你可以每年送两份礼物, one to help "grow" the endowment and the second to be used for the annual scholarship. 

If you wish to make a one-time scholarship contribution, or a tribute gift in honor or in memory of a loved one or associate, you may contribute to the 十大菠菜信誉网的基础's Scholarship Endowment Fund. 该奖学金的收入将颁发给所有本科和研究生学习领域的学生.

“代理奖”是提供给UNLV学生的奖学金,由大学以外的个人或组织选择. 每个个人或组织都有自己的资格标准和申请程序. 该组织发送一张支票,付款人是校董会,支票上有学生的姓名和社会安全号码. The funds are then credited to the named student account. Agency awards are not a gift to the university or the 十大菠菜信誉网的基础; therefore, they are not considered a charitable contribution. 请咨询您的税务顾问.

While UNLV encour年龄s 年龄ncy awards as they are very important to students, the 十大菠菜信誉网的基础 is not involved in these particular awards. 各机构应将这些奖金支票直接提交给经济援助和奖学金办公室, 452016箱, 十大菠菜担保网,内华达州89154-2016.


If you have any questions, please contact:


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