Two students with scarlet and gray body paint, make L.V. sign with their hands


Long before 总理UNLV became a campus staple, a number of social events marked the beginning of the fall semester. 来自叛逆烤肉, a pre-class picnic and BBQ on the beaches of Lake Mead to the Howdy Dance, where new and old students got to mingle on the dance floor, Rebels knew how to kick off the school year with fun and flair.

两个维.J.'s playing music for U.N.L.V. 总理的事件
Crowd of people at U.N.L.V. 创建事件
U.N.L.V. Football players playing with a slot machine on the field
two male students dive through the mud towards a volleyball
Four students walking on campus in cap and gown
Crowd celebrating at basketball game.


我们有精神! 你呢?? Wear your scarlet and gray, show off your UNLV 车牌, and show your Rebel Pride as you drive around town.

弗里蒙特大炮 painted red
Four students, covered in red and silver clothes and glitter makeup pose for the camera
Large sign letters that say "Be a Rebel"
Cheerleaders perform on the field
Student holding the U.N.L.V. 车牌



Get in the spirit and listen to 与十大菠菜担保网一起赢得胜利.


Listen to the UNLV alma mater.